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Grand Roatan Exterior Drone Shot

Discover Luxury and Serenity in Roatan

Grand Roatán Virtual 360 Resort Tour

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Experience the ultimate in luxury and tranquility at Kimpton Grand Roatan Resort and Spa. Nestled on the pristine West Bay Beach, our resort offers stunning ocean views and direct access to the Caribbean Sea, surrounded by lush tropical gardens where the jungle meets the ocean.

360 Tour


Grand Roatan Front Desk

360 Tour

Guest Rooms

Guestroom Bed Detai

Guest Rooms

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360 Tour


Grand Roatan Suite + private pool


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360 Tour

Meetings & Events

Event set-up

Meetings & Events

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360 Tour

Alera Restaurant

Alera Dining Room

Alera Restaurant

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360 Tour


Beach view from hammock

360 Tour


Spa at Grand Roatan

360 Tour

Fitness Center

Grand Roatan Fitness Cente

Fitness Center

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360 Tour


: Grand Roatan Resort Pool
overhead view of a grand roatan beach shore
National Geographic, Best of the World 2024 badge

"The world’s second largest barrier reef lies just offshore from this 119-room property, meaning guests can easily access all of the water activities (snorkeling, diving, and fishing) that make this region of Honduras popular."
- National Geographic

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